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On this page you will find the full dvd available for purchase and download 
These Dvd's are available for a modest purchase price and you can specify us to send you an actual Dvd or you can choose to download it to view on your computer or tablet or even a cell phone.  The download format will Play on most phones & computers.  The actual Dvd will of course play in any player.

Note:* Dvd is not available yet. you can preview the raw version below.

Choice 1.* Download the Dvd here  $7.00 note: download only, no disk is sent.

Choice 2. *Purchase the Dvd disk here $ 9.95  You will receive a Dvd disk in the mail.

Note:* Dvd is not available yet, you can preview the raw version below

You can also Download the entire uncut - raw video which has some mistakes and bloopers and even a few extra plants to learn about. 

 Preview here not available yet

Click here to* Download the Raw version  $ 9.95  note: this is a download only, no disk is sent.

Or you can* Purchase the Raw video on a dvd disk here. $ 9.95.  note: you will receve a dvd disk to play.


Why are we doing this?

Because the Lord has lead me to produce and publish this information before it's too late.  I have prayed many times about this project and the Lord has opened doors and answered my prayers concerning this project in no uncertain terms.  So I give you the fruit of my / our efforts for you the enjoy and learn from.  I am not a professional camera man or videographer so I ask you to have patience in viewing these programs.  I have broken the entire movie into segments that are free for you to view or download.  The entire contents can also be purchased for a modest sum for you to keep and view at home on DVD.